The Professional eSignature

eSigning combined with instant ID check

Get secure, legally valid eSignatures in less than 40 seconds

Prevent identity theft with a quick and tamper-proof ID check

Provide an easy-to-use solution to your team and clients

Illustration of sign button in existing software

The perfect signature for B2C contracts

Identity fraud is rampant. Many basic signature types don’t guarantee the identity of the signatory, only using email or phone numbers as identification. 

With the PES, you make sure the person siging your contracts really is who they say they are. Beyond any shadow of a doubt. 

Improved security over the basic signatures like SES and AES

Higher convenience and lower cost than the regulated QES

Best option for most businesses dealing with private end customers

“The PES signature was the main reason we picked Certifaction. The combination of a great user experience and tamper-proof identification of tenants really makes the PES stand out. This allows us to close rental contracts and similar documents quicker, safer, and more efficiently.” 

Simon Weiss, Head of Property, H&B Real Estate AG

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Perfect for B2C

The Sweet Spot:  Professional Electronic Signature (PES)

Easy to use

Identification does not have to be cumbersome for the end-user: 

The PES uses advanced AI to identify both the customer and their identification document directly from a their mobile device. 

Use from any smartphone with camera

No technical knowledge required

Guided process with a few simple steps

Attempted illustration of document privacy
Illustration of sign button in existing software

Completed in no time

Time is money. And life is too short to spend it with admin tasks.

Delight your customers and eliminate hurdles with the fastest signature process available anywhere.

Zero time wasted on hold or waiting for agents

Available 24/7, from anywhere in the world

From start to finish in less than 40 seconds

Built with world-class security

Identity fraud is growing rapidly. As a business, you can’t afford to have doubts about the identity of your signatories. 

Trust our best-in-class security systems to make identity fraud a thing of the past. 

Leverage advanced facial recognition technology

Enjoy AI-driven intelligent analysis of identification documents

Get immediate and tamper-proof confirmation of a signers identity

Attempted illustration of document privacy

In a nutshell

“The PES is the most convenient and cost-effective eSigning solution to securely identify private end-customers.”

Fully integrated: Keep using your own tools

Like all eSignature types offered by Certifaction, the Professional Electronic Signature (PES) easily integrates into all the IT tools you’re already using every day.

Integrate professional electronic signature into your tools

Your way forward

Three simple steps to a future-proof eSignature process

Digital Signatures create signature step 1

Create an account

Sign up in 30 seconds, with no strings attached (and no spam).

Digital Signatures create signature step 2

Try for free

Explore the benefits of our next-generation eSignature at no cost.

Digital Signatures create signature step 3

Save time and money

Speed up your signature process with protected privacy.