Privacy-first eSignatures

Speed up your business with legally valid eSignatures

Benefit from unrivalled security and data protection

Set predefined expiration terms or revoke signatures

Illustration of a Smart Signing solution

Legally valid eSignatures powered by privacy-by-design

Sign in confidence with legally valid eSignatures (supporting all major global standards incl. eIDAS, ZertES, UETA, ESIGN) that come with full data privacy. From one signature to millions, our solution works at scale and helps you to streamline your process, improve your customer experience, and speed up your business.

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Save 80% time and money over manual processes

eSigning Icon

Sign legally valid from anywhere

Fraud documents

Elevate your customer experience

Why your organization needs future-proof eSignatures

Overcome your reliance on outdated paper-based processes

Illustration of a handwritten signature
Digital signature: Signatories
Fraud documents

Free yourself from pen, paper, and postal delivery times

Icon Saving

Eliminate the risk of fraud that comes with forgery-prone handwritten signatures

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Boost your customer satisfaction by eliminating tedious signature processes

eSigning Icon

Sign legally valid from anywhere and at any time

Icon Saving

Comply with the strictest regulatory standards (incl. eIDAS, ZertES, UETA, ESIGN)

Icon Saving

Eliminate manual labor and repurpose that time for higher-value work

Certifaction Digital Twin
Icon Saving

Sign in confidence, with protected privacy

eSigning Icon

Add or revoke signatures or set an expiration date based on predefined terms

Icon Saving

Allow for an instant verification of the authenticity of your signed documents

Future-proof your signing processes

That’s why we have developed privacy-first eSignatures

The leading partner for signing, certifying, and verifying documents with protected privacy

Trusted by leading organizations with the highest requirements for document privacy and security

The only solution that comes with privacy-by-design, where all your data is by default locally processed on your device

How your organization can benefit

Profit from the unique advantages of our privacy-first eSignatures

Attempted illustration of a digital transformation

Accelerate your digital transformation with eSignatures

Don’t let outdated solutions that have access to your data limit your digitalization efforts.

Generate significant time savings for your organisation and repurpose part of your team for higher-value work

Increase your customer satisfaction by eliminating long cycle-times and tedious signature processes

Generate incremental revenues through enhanced competitiveness and faster time-to-market

Sign legally valid from anywhere and at any time

Because your colleagues and customers should be able to sign legally valid from anywhere and at any time without compromising data privacy.

Comply with the strictest regulatory requirements of Switzerland, the EU, and all major global standards (incl. eIDAS, ZertES, UETA, ESIGN)

Allow for an intuitive verification of your documents that doesn’t require an instruction manual and can be done in seconds with just a few clicks

Benefit from the only eSigning solution where your signatures are always traceable and verifiable – even when they are printed

Illustration of a Smart Signing solution
Attempted illustration of document privacy

Future-proof your eSigning
without compromising your privacy

All other eSigning providers have access to data uploaded into their cloud – and the CLOUD Act is providing additional insecurities for US-based providers.

Benefit from client-side encryption, where we encrypt your data on your device, keeping it inaccessible to anyone but you and your collaborators

Implement a privacy-first solution with zero-knowledge end-to-end encryption

Fully digitize your signing processes while preserving your privacy, without having to create “no-sign” lists for sensitive documents

Sign easily within your existing IT landscape and in your brand style

The most intuitive solution doesn’t add any additional software but can be easily integrated into your existing IT landscape.

Keep your existing tools & workflows and integrate the signing processes seamlessly into your existing IT landscape

Upgrade your existing software with a “sign” button thanks to our powerful, yet simple API (JS Library, CLI, HTTP Proxy)

Customize the branding of the entire signing process and make it your own

Illustration of sign button in existing software

Your Way to the Future

Join leading Organizations

Contact us now to see how we can integrate our one-click sign button into your existing software. Or start a free trial to explore how you can sign and certify your documents through our web app – and to test our online verification tool.

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Signing is only the beginning

The most advanced eSignature toolbox for your business

Icon User






Electronic Signatures

Privacy-first eSignatures

Sign in confidence, legally valid, and with full compliance - anywhere, anytime.

Protect your privacy with local processing on your device and end-to-end encryption.

Select the right signature standard (SES, AES, PES, QES) with 2FA and password protection.

digital signatures fast identification

Identity Check

Confirm the identity of signatories online in less than 40 seconds.

Protect yourself from identity theft and other fraudulent activities.

Enable instant identity check (ID and face recognition) in just one click.

Verification Tool
Digital signatures digital twin

Digital Twin

Make your printed documents instantly verifiable with a tamper-proof QR Code.

Eliminate legal disputes about the authenticity of printed documents.

Easily embed a QR code with a built-in unique encryption key for instant verification.

digital signatures smart documents

Smart Documents

Check, track, or change the status of any document with pre-defined rights.

Establish standards for trust and role distribution within your ecosystem.

Define who gets to sign, verify, or redeem at a document level.

digital signatures easy integration

Simple Integration

Easily integrate our simple API into your existing IT landscape.

Reap the benefits of eSignatures with minimal IT ressources.

Built for developers by developers, with extensive documentation and support.

Illustration of a SaaS signing screen
digital signatures fast identity check


Confirm the identity of signatories online in less than 40 seconds.
Protect yourself from identity theft and other fraudulent activities.
Enable instant identity check (ID and face recognition) in just one click.
digital signatures lifecycle updates


Check, track, or change the status of any document with pre-defined rights.
Establish standards for trust and role distribution within your ecosystem.
Define who gets to sign, verify, or redeem at a document level.
digital signatures digital twin


Make your printed documents instantly verifiable with a tamper-proof QR Code.
Eliminate legal disputes about the authenticity of printed documents.
Easily embed a QR code with a built-in unique encryption key for instant verification.
digital signatures simple integration


Easily integrate our simple API into your existing IT landscape.
Reap the benefits of eSignatures with minimal IT ressources.
Built for developers by developers, with extensive documentation and support.
Illustration of a SaaS signing screen

How your organization can benefit

Profit from the unique advantages of our privacy-first eSignatures


An unparalleled privacy solution where all your documents can be locally processed on your device.

Advanced user identification

Benefit from user-friendly and secure ID-checks that work natively, 24/7,  and within 40 seconds.

Bulk signing

For signing one or millions of documents, our solution is designed to be large scale, reliable, and cost-efficient.

Verifiable trust

Quickly verify your digital files via drag and drop, or printed documents via an embedded QR code.

Bridge from analog to digital

With our proprietary Digital Twin solution, you can now verify and download printed documents on any smartphone.

Sign within your apps

Upgrade your existing software with our one-click sign button for an intutive signing solution without media break

Your way forward

Three simple steps to a future-proof eSignature process

Digital Signatures create signature step 1

Create an account

Sign up in 30 seconds, with no strings attached (and no spam).

Digital Signatures create signature step 2

Try for free

Explore the benefits of our next-generation eSignature at no cost.

Digital Signatures create signature step 3

Save time and money

Speed up your signature process with protected privacy.


Don’t just take our word – take it from our partners and customers

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“What you have developed is the next generation of eSigning, which is by far better than all the rusty certificate-based signing solutions regarding security, Digital Twin, life-cycle updates, and data privacy.”

Urs Fischer, Head of Business Development & Innovation, Health Info Net (HIN) AG

Picture of Urs Fischer_HIN

“With Certifaction’s solution, we have reduced the contract signing process from days or even weeks to as little as half an hour – with extremely positive feedback from all parties.”

Michael Garnier, Head of Real Estate Marketing, bonainvest AG

Photo of Michael Garnier, bonainvest AG

“Certifaction is extremely easy to use and assures employers that professionals with login-issued, digital job references, diplomas, and certificates, are qualified and trained professionals.”

Sven Cueni, Service Manager, ICT LogIn Berufsbildung AG

Picture of Sven Cueni, ICT LogIn Berufsbildung AG

“The introduction of the eSignature from Certifaction was very easy because the product is very intuitive to use and easy to administer. The onboarding of our approximately 100 employees was a matter of minutes.”

Simon Weiss, Head of Property Management, H&B Real Estate AG

Picture of Simon Weiss, H&B Real Estate AG

“With the integration of electronic signatures by Certifaction we’re able to offer our customers a Swiss-made solution that’s easy to use, secure, and very intuitive.”

Daniel Baur, CEO & Co-Founder, emonitor AG

Picture of Daniel Baur, emonitor AG
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