Discover our new Teamspaces

Improved collaboration for signature processes

Manage signature processes as a team

Prevent delays due to illness or vacation of the person responsible

Flexible use according to your needs

Teamspaces Certifaction

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What are Teamspaces?

Teamspaces are virtual rooms where all authorized members can view and manage signature processes. You can use Teamspaces for specific processes, per team, or for certain projects.

Adapt the spaces flexibly to the structures of your company. This means several employees can stay up to date or step in for open signature processes if the main person responsible is absent.


How to get started

Create new Teamspace

The administrators of an organization can create new Teamspaces by clicking on the “+” symbol, naming the Teamspace, and inviting team members. Administrators can create spaces without becoming members themselves.

Neuen Teamspace erstellen
Manage teamspace

Manage Teamspace

Each member of a Teamspace can easily and intuitively manage its members, rename the space, and archive it. To switch between Teamspaces, simply click on the colored buttons on the left-hand side.

See Certifaction in Action

Click through the initiation of a signature request

Questions & Answers

What tasks can I take on as a member of a Teamspace?

As a member, you can monitor all processes in the shared space, add or remove signatories, and cancel the process if necessary.

Are other members of my Teamspace automatically added as signatories to my processes?

No, you still have the flexibility to decide who you want to invite to sign your documents. Teamspaces only enable the joint management of signing processes.

How many Teamspaces can be created?

You can create an unlimited number of Teamspaces.

How do organizations prevent too many spaces from being created?

Only administrators can create Teamspaces. This allows the relevant people to maintain an overview and check internal requests to prevent duplicates.

How are Teamspaces managed?

Administrators can create a team space, but do not need to be part of it. Teamspaces can be managed by administrators under “Teamspace Management” in Settings.

Can Teamspaces be customized retrospectively?

Yes, members can of course add or remove other members, rename or archive the Teamspace at any time.

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