Identification for eSignatures

Confirm the identity of signatories in less a few seconds

eIDAS & ZertES compliant identifications

Easy-to-use thanks to great user experience

From email to ID/Passport identification

The quick and secure way to identify

Whether it is an easy identification via email or a QES-ident, compliant with the written form requirement and eIDAS or ZertES. We offer easy-to-use and fast identification processes with a great user experience.

Guided user experience

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See Certifaction in Action

Successful identification – effortlessly and in just a few minutes

3 Steps, 40 Seconds or less

The entire process takes less than a minute and can be completed from anywhere.

All that’s needed is a device with internet connection, your document (passport, residence permit or ID) and a camera.

Unique and secure identification of signers

The SES and AES process are donde within seconds. And even with our QES process, signers identify themselves securely and unmistakably in just a few minutes. Our authentication procedure guides you through the process in just a few steps.

Unique identification, confirmed by a trust service provider
KPMG-certified and mostly automated, consistent process
Cost-effective alternative to video identification
Including GWG-compliant identification of the signatory (optional)
the new QES identification flow

Et voilà! That’s it.

Securely identifying and onboarding customers has never been this quick, convenient, or easy before.

Prevent fraud. Onboard quickly.


The entire service is end-to-end encrypted and hosted on secure servers in Europe.


Meet even the strictest regulatory compliance standards.



Complete the entire process in 40 seconds or less, anywhere, anytime.


Easy-to-use even for first-time users, thanks to a fully guided process.

Your Way to the Future

Join leading Organizations

Contact us now to see how we can integrate our one-click sign button into your existing software. Or start a free trial to explore how you can sign and certify your documents through our web app – and to test our online verification tool.

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Identification is only the beginning

The most advanced eSignature toolbox for your business

Simple Integration

Certifaction CLI allows you to integrate our eSigning features directly into your existing system.
Data Privacy
Documents are processed locally and encrypted end-to-end before transmission.

Bulk Signing

Send multiple documents to different signers. Manage signatures and send reminders.
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Meets regulatory standards (incl. eIDAS Regulation, Federal Electronic Signature Act ZertES, UETA, ESIGN)

Legally valid

The tool provides legally valid signatures covering all eSignature standards (SES, AES, PES, QES).
Guest Signing
Easily sign as a guest or create an account.
Intuitive User Interface
Simple user interface for your employees and signers.
In your Corporate Design
Design the web app in your company branding.